Best quotes on Krishna

How to overcome Laziness?


How to overcome Laziness? 

--After you wake up in the morning, give a big smile on or face, It is the best way to start your day. Then wash your face with fresh water, it will give you instant freshness.

--Eat any fruit within 30 minutes, after when you brush your teeth. So that the metabolism of your body increase, because in deep sleep the metabolism of your body low down to 8%.


--Do daily exercise in the morning, at least for 30 minutes. It will keep you physically fit and provide good health. It plays an important role to overcome laziness.

--Use ‘acupressure kit’, it is the easiest and quickest way to charge up your body, while doing this you will naturally become alert. Many people use this technique whenever they feel laziness as it is the simplest way to overcome your laziness.

Simply sit meditation
--Cleanness plays a major role to overcome laziness. It is directly connected to it. You may be noticed this when thing around you is not clean and looks like garbage, and then you slowly become sleepy and feel laziness.

--Use meditation technique. Today modern science recognizes that doing meditation for just 20 minutes decrease the metabolism of your body up to 24%, which is equal to two hours of deep sleep. There are many types of meditation; the simplest one is ‘simply sit meditation’ in which you have to just sit on the place without doing anything.  

--You should always have a purpose in your life. Otherwise, what are the reasons to live here? If there is no purpose in your life, you will find many things in which you indulged yourself to get some pleasure. But you need to understand you will be fully bored and become lazy. Because you lived unfulfilled life and once you live the unfulfilled life, you will live the life of slavery.

Do what you love

--Do what you love most. Do what you are passionate about that. If you feel laziness in your work, then absolutely you are doing something which you do not like. But you need to understand that there is nothing to get in this life, either you lived this life in a well and profound manner or you not. Because there is no reward which you will get at the end, either they will bury or burn you. So do what you like to do and be passionate about that.                                                 
