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Ten simple relaxation technique


relaxation technique

A ten best relaxation techniques through which you can relax your body and live your life with full of enthusiasms, because stress is more than just unpleasant. It’s also too dangerous to your health. 90 percent of the illness just comes through your mind, unconsciously. If you don’t learn how to handle your own mind and body,then your own mind will become your greatest enemy. Disciplined practices such as meditation can help relieve that stress, but what if you don’t have the time or motivation? Maybe you need to try a few of these simple ways to relax.

1. Hug someone. Giving a hug means getting one. As long as it’s from somebody you don’t mind hugging you, this really can be relaxing and if will feel you much better.

2. Random acts. Go talk to that guy sleeping on the bench, or eat lunch on the roof. Just doing anything that breaks you out of your habitual patterns, so that you can relieve stress feel good.

3. Have a hot shower. It relaxes your muscles. Run through water is not only cleans your body, but makes your stress free and feel more relax. Some find that an alternating cold and hot shower is even more relaxing.

4. Just spend some time with nature. You can go to mountain, climb the rock and go in the forest, even it will look like more adventure to you. By doing this you will automatically sync with the creation.

5. Try laughing. Our ancient says that laughing is the best medicine for health. For this you can find a guy who makes laugh you, or you can also watch some comedy shows.

6. Use relaxing and stress free music. Now days you can freely find it any social media, there is a bunch of relaxing, sleeping and meditating videos on YouTube. You can easily find it and saved it.

7. Leave the room for a while. This can really help if the things in the room or related to it are triggering your stressful thoughts. Why not get out for a little while?

8. Breath deeply. Take ten deep breaths through your nose. And start reverse counting in your mind with each breaths. May be it will be the most effective way to relax you.

9. Always take one pill of neem and turmeric in early morning before an hour of your breakfast. Neem purify your mind and turmeric calm your mind and body.

10. Walk a while. Take at least ten minutes for just walk, walking is the one of the best and quick way to relax your. And it also good for health.

